Translating complex data to valuable insight

Data Science &
Research Unit

The constant and spectacular technological evolution has upset our daily routines. Permanently surrounded by gadgets : mobile phone, computer, watch, camera, etc., we are faced to cohabit with machines. Accordingly, artificial intelligence, machine learning or data science, has become essential in our everyday lives.

These fields have become one of the most influential and powerful technologies on a worldwide scale, despite the fact that we are still a long way from realizing their full potential…

How we work

Data Understanding



Our Solutions

We are convinced that only a strong interaction between theory and practice allows us to be properly prepared in such a rapidly changing environment. Practice makes us aware of real-world challenges – theory is a preventive measure against the professional skills obsolescence.

Artificial Vision

Make video data stream an actionable intelligence

Internet of Behaviors (IoB)

From digital data to targeting

Data management platform

Make a good source of a good data

Our Story

Welcome to
Data science & applications
research unit

Data Science and Applications Research Unit (DSARU), affiliated to the  Center for Research on Scientific and Technical Information (CERIST), aims to direct work and research studies in data science, to contribute, initially to the acquisition of new scientific and technological skills and knowledge; and subsequently to develop products and service goods and ensure their development, distribution and functional implementation. Among other things, contribute to training through and for research.

Our presentation

Take the advantage of your data


Upcoming events

Join the DSARU community for talks, workshops and other gatherings that spark new collaborations and technological discoveries.

Il n’y a actuellement aucun évènement.

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