Research at the Data Science & Applications Research Unit

DSARU research addresses important scientific and societal questions through coordinated advances in applications, models, algorithms, and platforms.

Research Initiatives


Cross-dimensional transfer learning in medical image segmentation with deep learning
H Messaoudi, A Belaid, DB Salem, PH Conze
Medical Image Analysis, 2023


R. Zegour, A. Belaid, J. Ognard, DB. Salem, Convolutional neural networks-based method for skin hydration measurements in high resolution MRI, Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 81, 104-491, 2022


L. Ziani, ME Khanouche, A. Belaid, Internet of Behaviors: A literature review of an emerging technology, BiWa, The First International, Conference on Big Data, IoT, Web Intelligence and Applications, 2022


H Bouchal, A Belaid, Old Arabic word KALIMA-Dataset, Conference on trends and advances in discrete mathematics, operations research, scientific information and computer science, 2022

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