Our research

Make the most of your data

We Have One Goal

Make the most of your data

The Research Unit in Data Science and Applications, affiliated to the Research Center for Scientific and Technical Information (CERIST), has for objectives to lead research works and studies in data science, to contribute at first to the acquisition of new scientific and technological knowledge and skills, and subsequently, to develop products and services by ensuring their valorization, diffusion and functional implementation. Among other things, to contribute to training by and for research.

The unit is committed to developing and deploying effective theory based on realistic practice, and some of the objectives and structures have been developed through consultation and collaboration with industry. The unit believes that only through the interaction of theory and practice allows for appropriate training in such a rapidly evolving area. Practice makes us aware of real contemporary problems – theory is a shield against professional obsolescence.


Our Discovery

The objectives of the Divisions include addressing Big Data problems and implementing Cloud solutions for innovation. They are intended to investigate the adaptation and/or design of new Machine Learning techniques on the Big Data environment, to offer high value-added services in various sectors such as telecom, health, energy, finance, education.

The research unit includes the following two research Divisions:

  1. Research Division: Data Engineering Methods and Techniques
  2. Research Division: Advanced Computing

Our Mission

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  1. Develop optimized data pipeline architectures
  2. Conduct Big Data research and implement innovative data-driven solutions
  3. Master and extend research in key areas including computer vision and natural language processing and their impact in key sectors including industry and healthcare
  4. Offer intelligent decision systems and high value-added services in various sectors
  5. Master the latest innovations in data analytics, the internet of things, complex networks, machine learning, and artificial intelligence
  6. Create a nationally leading data science education and arm researchers and professionals with the tools to leverage the power of Big Data


our best engineers


Research Support Engineer and Backend Developer, he excels in designing and developing cutting-edge, highly customized, and innovative solutions. These solutions, which combine advanced technology and creative approaches, are specifically tailored to drive advancements in the complex and ever-evolving field of data science.


Research support engineer and backend developer

TAGMOUNI abdelkader

Research support engineer and experienced frontend developer. With years of experience as a frontend developer, he has acquired extensive skills in developing web applications using the Vue.js framework


Director of the Data Science and Applications research unit at CERIST. His research areas are primarily focused on machine learning and medical image processing, with a particular emphasis on deep learning and optimization.

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