Research Teams

Our data science research unit is composed of several dynamic and interdisciplinary research teams working on a variety of data science problems

Research Division 1: Data Engineering Methods and Techniques

Our research division « Data Engineering Methods And Techniques » specialises in exploring new methods and techniques for data engineering. We are working on innovative solutions to collect, store, process and manage large volumes of data efficiently. Our researchers work on projects related to database performance optimisation, data processing pipeline design, integration of data from multiple and varied sources, data quality management and much more. We also work closely with academic and industry partners to translate our research into practical solutions for businesses and organisations that deal with large amounts of data. In short, our research division focuses on the design and development of advanced data engineering methods and techniques to help our partners realise the full potential of their data.

Research Division 2: Advanced Computing

Our Advanced Computing research division works on the latest advances in high performance computing, machine learning, data infrastructure and data analysis. We aim to develop advanced computing solutions to solve complex data science problems, such as complex modelling, predictive analysis, simulation and visualisation. We collaborate with researchers from different disciplines to solve complex problems using the latest computational and visualisation techniques. Our division aims to be a leader in the field of advanced computing and to contribute to the growth of data science research in our community and worldwide.

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